Adding products

Adding your products


After updating your details and adding your payment method, you can finally list your products!

Hover your cursor on the ‘Products’ tab and click on ‘Products listing’. You will see a green button ‘Add Product’ at the top right of the screen.


After clicking on the ‘Add Product’ button, you will be directed to a page that requires you to add in your product details:

Product name = Enter the name of the item you are selling (E.G. KD 14)
Product type = Choose 1 of the drop down provided (Footwear, Bottom, Accessories, Top)
Description = Anything you want to let your customers know
Product tags = Choose 1 of the drop down provided (Footwear, Bottom, Accessories, Top)


After putting the details of your product, you can enter a product image.
Please take note that all images would work better if they’re in a square format.
If you are using an iPhone, please take picture using square mode.


For shipping, you can leave it blank as we are handling the shipping procedure. Once a buyer places an order, we will then head down to collect the shoe from you and deliver to the customer. We will be taking a $5 commission for this process.

Pricing details is where you input the price you want to sell at.

Price will be the price that you are selling.


If you input a ‘Compare at price’, it will look as if you are having a discount or a sale and would appear as shown below.

For inventory details, having SKU and barcode is up to you.

We highly recommend that you choose the option ‘Track this product inventory’ as it helps you and the customers know how many of a certain item you have.

However, you can also choose not to track if you have a large quantity of a certain item.

You can include your own variants for the product that you have. As you might have different sizes and also different colors, you can indicate it.

Please separate your options by using a comma (,) in between each variant.

Lastly, you just have to click on the ‘Save Changes’ button at the bottom left of the screen and your item will be listed!